Alright, listen. First, if you live in the greater Los Angeles area and you haven't been to Amoeba Records, just do us all a favor and end it. Ok. You live in Alaska? I'm sorry. But then check this out:
It's their YouTube account. Okay I was watching a slew of these videos "What's in My Bag?" Eli Roth, People Under the Stairs, The Black Keys, Mike Schank (aka God from American Movie), Demetri Martin, Ben Stiller. They're all talking about what they bought at meeb's. So I'll save you the trouble of watching all of these and post the things I found tizzy and swizzy.
Eli Roth-
Bad B Horror Movies that are Awesome:
Random Movies that are Awesome:
The Seventh Seal
American Movie
Watch American Movie. It's so weird.
Alright moving on. Next we have some musical recommendations from
People Under the Stairs-
Mixmaster Spade (stuff's hard to find, but an L.A. legend none the less)
Nice & Smooth
And a Special Message From PUTS:
Here's what I'm diggin on my own these days:
Deltron 3030 Get the whole album! Here's a snipp.
Suga Free-In Your Mouth feat. Snoop and Eastsidaz
The Great Escape
For Roadside Assistance Press 4